I’m heading for YouTube!

I have been longing for a creative outlet. When your work is primarily about serving on a 1-2-1 basis, I think there comes a time when you realise that that can’t be all. Or maybe my spirit just wants to serve one to many. So I’m launching The Black Female Narrative (TBFN), a space for Black British women (essentially 40+).

Though TBFN started in 2017, it’s been dormant over the last few years. When my (international) work husband challenged me to get on YouTube, I wanted to but wasn’t sure where I wanted to be. After our initial conversation, I had other people tell me that I had a voice and perspective that needed to be heard. Coupled with the fact that TBFN had grown to 2600 subscribers without little effort and continues to grow, it shows there’s an audience.

Determined not to laugh it off or dismiss things as I had done in the past, I accepted work hubby’s challenge, and with his bullying gentle pursuation, I’m back on the old You of Tube. This initial process has been a reminder how precious it is to have someone speak life into you, so I’m grateful for to have that.

So why The Black Female Narrative? Well, TBFN will deal with the evolution we go through as Black British women heading towards our 40s and beyond and give a perspective on some of the experiences that I would hope you only deal with slightly later in life like ailing parents. Whilst we’re not a monolith, Black women have their own more nuanced experiences compared to the rest of the world that can include cultural and stereotypical expectations, which will be explored on the channel. However, I also intend to look at how we can have fun because 2023 was a little stingy when it came to that.

So I hope you’ll join me on this journey. I’d love you to go to the YouTube channel and subscribe right now, and I hope to catch you on a future video!

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