Happy New Year! Whooo! I’ve got three half written pieces that I wanted to start the New Year with but they didn’t quite feel right. With the first week of 2024 behind me I realised that the countdown to my 40th birthday has officially begun.  So as someone who typically focuses on others, I’ve decided to have a celebration every month from now until December. If anything it’ll give me a chance to spend time with my loved ones.

So…what do I have in mind? Inspired a little by Shonda Rhymes’ book The Year of Yes it feels like everything should be on the table. I had a coffee with one of my oldest friends today and we realised we’ve spent the last decade and a half adulting and being responsible. And now as we both hit this milestone decade we’re kinda tired and our priorities have most certainly changed.

40 has always been a bit of a promise land for me. When I saw another friend do some INCREDIBLE photos to celebrate her birthday I knew 40 would be something else. She was assured. Sexy. Powerful. Unapologetic. She took my breath away and made me look forward to the big four oh even more. And though 2023 couldn’t see itself out without leaving a few unwanted hallmarks to carry into 2024, I’m ready to embrace my 12 month celebration challenge.

So I’ve kept the parameters pretty simple: once a month I should do something I truly want to do. For example, I’m already toying with the idea of a Karaoke party in my birthday month, May and also doing some new photos. I must take one photo documenting that month’s celebration. And that’s it! I did consider 40 days of celebration across the year (3 days each month) but, to be honest it takes a lot to get me to commit to and execute something for myself if not business related so once a month will already kinda be a challenge. 

Ideas at the moment include: 

  • Trip to Portugal
  • Trip to Dubai 
  • Some new photos and some with family.
  • A Karaoke party

And SH*T loads of one on one time with the people closest to me. Even if it’s coffee with them, just spending time means everything to me. I’ll post at least one photo on the blog so if you can keep me accountable.

So if you have any ideas or want to share how you spent your 40th let me know in the comments!

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