So unless you’re avoiding social media, you’re likely to have come across Jada Pinkett Smith. She’s on the sales treadmill as her new book ‘Worthy’ comes out on Tuesday. In the last couple of years, The Smiths have been extremely visible. From Jada’s Emmy Award Winning Facebook show, Red Table Talk which became one of the first high-profile intergenerational digital talk shows to the release of Will’s autobiography to the infamous slap at the Oscars which I saw unravel in real time. We’ve seen The Smiths pretty regularly. 

And now, on the eve of her debut book, Jada is everywhere. From Jay Shetty to Steven Bartlett, there is an interview with Jada, each one sparking a new revelation, with multiple trailers of Jada in tears.

Unfortunately, in certain parts of social media, Jada is now feeling the effects of being a little overexposed with people complaining that they don’t want to hear any more from her or accusing her of causing embarrassment to her husband who we have now learnt she has been separated from her for seven years.

This particular revelation also has also sparked questions about the authenticity of the couple and how honest they’ve truly been when they’ve spent that time appearing very much united in front of the watchful eye of the media.

Strategically hype sells books. I’m nosey and fully plan on using my Audible credit to download the book when I fly to Jamaica in a few weeks so as a consumer it works. As a publicist, I worry about Jada’s public profile beyond this moment.

It’s natural to go on tour when launching a book but it is starting to feel like anyone can gain access for an interview. The general gist of book promotion is to hit the trail hard to ensure a high number of pre-orders and to reach that bestsellers list. Like any chart, sales are based on units. Sell more, outsell the persons next to you, success is likely.

However, with the public perception of Jada already precarious, a delicate balance should be struck. Will – up until Oscargate – had a highly curated public profile. A super believable Mr Nice Guy veneer that everyone bought into and loved. He’s the guy you’d be proud to take anywhere with you.

Jada’s career, though highly successful, doesn’t quite have the same Hollywood gloss, not that unusual for Black women. Side note: Think of the travesty surrounding Angela Bassett only just receiving her first Oscar in an honorary capacity and her peers – still junior in their careers – have won for roles that either sexualised or dehumanised us bar Viola Davis’ Best Supporting Actress win for Fences. I raise this point to show that generally there isn’t a female equivalent to Will in that industry and Jada’s career hasn’t seen that same Blockbuster levels though she has been lead in many a seminal film.

When Red Table Talk (RTT) started and the family chose on occasion to address some of the rumours around their marriage, Jada was vilified for trying to have a conversation about an extramarital relationship she had to a bewildered looking and emotional Will.

Copyright: Westbrook/Red Table Talk

Unfortunately, that sparked the narrative that Jada was inconsiderate of Will’s feelings with the episode leading to Jada’s integrity being questioned.

It doesn’t help that Will’s reactions via social media seems to be stirring the pot and flaming the fire. First with a post that says “notifications off”

Copyright: Will Smith Instagram

then followed by an “official statement” which further played into  ‘the hype’.

Copyright Will Smith Instagram

With the release of ‘Worthy’, it could be seen as an opportunity for Jada to reposition herself and take a match to some of the perceptions people have carried for so long, especially those formed in the last few years. However, there is a distinct danger that this approach could also backfire.

Were Jada my client I would make sure we only do selected outlets with large numbers for impact. Not only to maximise conversion opportunities but to protect Jada’s mental health.

The typical approach to book launches is to front load the campaign with interview after interview to drive sales but right now that approach seems to be inducing overwhelm. I’d also approach from various angles and request to limit some of the edits. As mentioned earlier Jada is seen in tears quite frequently and for those who watch RTT she’s always seemed quite in touch and in line with her emotions, however too much of it can come across disingenuous.

Jada always portrays personal discovery and learning as an important reference point and some of this mixed in could help to water down the more tabloid stroke National Enquirer feeling around the book.

Book campaigns typically get an intense three month window when it comes to promo simply because of the sheer volume of books being published. This may be extended if the publishers see a potential return on investment. But ultimately despite the machine of a publishing house, the author is the lead marketeer for the book. Launching in October means it’s within the gift buying period for Christmas so there’s an opportunity to capitalise there. So Jada doing interviews now pre-launch is important but then I believe she needs to take a step back. It’s a chance to reset, recharge and let people miss her a little.

Careers are a marathon not a sprint so irrespective of her desired trajectory a break will give her time to charge up her credibility again. Will has stress tested his public profile. He disappeared, came back with an apology which I spoke about at the time  and has managed to retain a level of public endearment. However this foundation seems to be largely absent for Jada due to her desire to be transparent.

Copyright; Westbrooke/Red Table Talk

I perceive that Jada genuinely is interested in having nuanced conversations but I also appreciated she knows how to work the media. She’s becoming very marmite to audiences which has the potential to harm longterm.


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