
It’s three weeks into the New Year and in those three weeks I’ve said no to various projects. One because I’ve learnt if I don’t agree with or understand why something is being done, it undermines my belief in the work and that never ends well. A second because I began to see signs of…

An Op-ed: Representation is key, in more ways than you think

I wrote this piece eleven months ago for the TGRG website and it was shared extensively across social media. Though the story has moved on, the point about repesentation will forever remain valid. It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m watching a news story spread like wildfire amongst Black women in every corner of social media. This…

Talent doesn’t end at 30

As I hit my mid 30s I started to notice a worrying trend: I was disappearing. I’ve always been someone who is quite proactive when it comes to searching for opportunities and then I started to notice that the older I get the more I’m seemingly excluded from them? So for context I’ll be 38…

The Apprentice: Week One

So I haven’t watched in The Apprentice for a long time as the format had begun to feel a bit samey and over done. But when I heard my brother in law (in my head)* Tim Campbell MBE – the first ever winner – was returning I actually had a reason to watch. So for…

A day in the life of an agent

I think the adult version of me has always wanted to be an agent. Childhood Juanita wanted to be a journalist, a clothing designer and a paediatrician but in later years managing talent became a thing. I’ve positioned myself in ways that really was an agent’s role but I didn’t necessarily use that term to…

Watch me work

Even before 2021 ended I was already quoting the year 2022. I don’t know why but I was ready and I feel like me and she have some sort of understanding that this year is just filled with greatness. To be fair the last two years – whilst extremely painful due to the pandemic –…