The Reality of Black Female Leadership

I do that thing that wellness experts tell you not to do. I picked up my phone immediately after opening my eyes this morning and saw a WhatsApp from a journalist friend of mine. It was an article by an American woman called Shauna Knox called The Impossible Dilemma of Black Female Leadership: The Tragedy…

Nine lessons from The Black Godfather

It’s a bank holiday, and I decided to do something for me instead of work. I chose to rewatch The Black Godfather on Netflix. The documentary tells the story of Clarence Avant. As those who knew him shared, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what he does, but one thing they all agree on is that…

PeRspective: Will Smith apology

So on this day on Beyoncé’s internet, Will Smith returned to social media to address the incident between himself and Chris Rock at the Oscars for the first time. If you read my post on the subject as it happened, I went into crisis communications mode and outlined the next steps that should be taken…

‘We made it, kid’: Why being a BBBAwards finalist means more

Today threatened to be a sh*t day. It’s one I’ve been waiting on for weeks and despite the best laid plans coming unstuck and some news that broke my heart, I got to announce to the world that I am a Black British Business Award finalist. When I think of the phrase ‘humble yourself’, I…

Why Steve Harvey is misrepresenting management

When making friends, you need different types in your life. You need that friend whose going to come meet you on a random Friday night for drinks and shisha. You need that friend to help you reason the unreasonable. And you need that blue sky thinking business friend like my friend David. We can talk…

PeRspective: The Royal Tour of the Commonwealth

Photo copyright Newsweek So I’m late to the party on this and didn’t immediately want to comment without being have had a chance to digest the happenings of Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge on their Commonwealth tour. Will and Kate have been doing their royal duties by taking a tour of the…