2 0 2 3 W E  N O T  P L A Y I N G

It’s that time again to look at what the word of my year should be. My spirit has looked the last year of us being CURIOUS,  *how* can we make things happen and that has opened the world up for me.

But after curiosity, action is required. Action that can be uncomfortable, that won’t necessarily easy or open doors first time. This is where my word of the year PERSISTENCE comes in.

In 2023, I hope to not only open the door but to push through. To understand that every opportunity is not a favour but meant for me. As a loved one said to me, it’s no longer attractive to play small, to sit in wonderment as to whether  I deserve to be in a space, to step into my achievements and own my space in the world.

It’s time to be brave and stop f**king around. It’s time to be extraordinary.

Happy New Year – bless you

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